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About the management plan 

In 2012, the Mountain Zebra Camdeboo Corridor Project was established by South African National Parks in partnership with the Wilderness Foundation to investigate the opportunity to declare private land surrounding both the Camdeboo and Mountain Zebra National Parks as a protected environment. The area between the Mountain Zebra and Camdeboo National Parks in the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany biodiversity hotspot was identified as a conservation priority in the National Protected Areas Expansion Strategy. This protected environment aimed to support the consolidation of the Sneeuberg grasslands linking Mountain Zebra and Camdeboo National Parks through partnerships with private landowners.

By the completion of the Mountain Zebra Camdeboo Corridor Project an “Intent to Declare” was submitted to the Minister of the Department of Environmental Affairs. The proposed protected environment totaled 286, 434ha. The protected environment was officially declared on the 01 April 2016.Through the process of declaration, the 65 landowners involved created the Mountain Zebra Camdeboo Protected Environment Landowners Association and requested that this association be made the management authority for the protected environment. When declared, this request was granted. This association is governed by a constitution

Management Plan

Since the declaration of the MZCPE, work was done to formulate a collective management plan for the protected environment. The management plan was initially drafted and then circulated to all members of the protected environment as to ensure complete input, suggestions and comments. The management plan was approved by the Minister of Environmental Affairs in August 2017.

The management plan can be downloaded here

The MZCPE is coordinated by a steering committee that routinely changes. The steering committee does not occupy an office, therefore contact should be initiated via email and follow up communications will follow via a suitable platform guided by the right representative.

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